Performance filter
Allows the user to customize the algorithm operation depending on the trading results of all running algorithms, a specific trading pair, the current algorithm or any other algorithm. Serves as a trigger for pausing and/ or stopping algorithms. To get a better understanding of the inner workings of this filter, note that this filter always refers to the data in the Trading Performance tab. In that tab, you can see the performance of each tradepair based on how said result was generated. This filter does not allow starting any algorithm per se. An algorithm must be initialized and started from the Algorithms tab, but the Performance filter will only determine whether and when any particular algorithm must go on pause/stop or resume trading.
Let’s take a closer look at the filter parameters:
- Global by symbols — this filter determines whether the current algorithm will place orders on a certain pair, depending on the results of trading on this pair from ALL SOURCES (from manual trading, other algorithms, etc).
Example of use: The «Main Shot» algorithm works as long as the profit/loss on the trading pair is in the range from -1.99$ to 1.99$ for 1 hour. If the profit/loss goes out of the range, the algorithm will sleep for 5 minutes, then it will check the range and if the profit/loss is back within the range, it will continue placing orders, if not, it will sleep for another 5 minutes. While the «Main Shot» is asleep, its copies with a smaller order (if the main shot got a loss) or with a larger order (if the main shot got a profit) work.

The «Minus Shot» algorithm works with the same parameters as the «Main Shot», but with a smaller order and a profit/loss range in the performance filter from -10$ to -2$ per hour.

The algorithm «Profit Shot» works with the same parameters as «Main Shot» but with an increased order and profit/loss range in the performance filter from 2$ to 10$.

Thus, using the «Global by Symbols» performance filter, we pause or stop different algorithms depending on the trading results for each pair.
- Each symbol — this filter determines whether the current algorithm will place orders on a certain trading pair, depending on the results of trading on this pair EXCLUSIVELY obtained by this algorithm.
Example of use: The algorithm will pause for 300sec on a trading pair if the loss of this algorithm on it is equal to or exceeds -10$ per hour, other trading pairs will continue trading.

- Algo total — this filter determines whether the current algorithm will place orders depending on the AMOUNT result of the current algorithm.
Example of use: The current algorithm will stop completely if the loss obtained by this algorithm is -100$ for 6 hours.

NOTE: When using the «Stop» Action, after triggering the value and stopping the algorithm, you must reset the statistics in the «Trade Efficiency» tab for this algorithm to start it again.
- Custom Key — Fully manual setting, activates the «Source» field, allows you to select a specific algorithm or a specific trading pair, range or a specific value that serves as a key to pause or stop the current algorithm.

- Source — the field is activated when using the «Key» filter. Specifies what is the source for pausing/un-pausing or stopping the algorithm, another algorithm, manual trading or Liquidation.
- Market type — the field is activated when using the «Key» filter. Which of the markets is covered by the filter
- Quote Assets — the field is activated when using the «Key» filter. The quoted asset is specified, e.g. USDT
- Symbols — the field is activated when using the «Key» filter. Specifies a specific trading pair or the White List.
- Validate by — specifies the Range or a specific Value when the algorithm pauses/un-pauses or stops.
- Timeframe — specifies the time interval for which the filter tracks the change of the Range or Value.
NOTE: When using Live Time Interval, the values can only be OVER or equal to zero!
- Action — stop or pause.If the “Stop till next run” action is selected, once the conditions specified in this filter are met and the algorithm Stops, it will not start again until started manually by the user. And then make sure that once the filter checks the conditions again, upon start-up, it doesn’t go back into a full Stop (compare performance tab with conditions set in filter)
By default, the algorithm is considered to be running, with the filter parameters we set the conditions for it to stop.
- Sleep time — time interval in seconds, which the filter will wait for after which it will check the values of the «Range» or «Value» field and if they meet the conditions allow trading again, if they do not meet the conditions it will wait for the specified time.
Example of use: The «Main Shot» algorithm does NOT place orders until the «MinusShot» algorithm is in the profit range of $0.1 to $1 per hour.

Several performance filters with different conditions can be used at the same time.